Our Firm

Zaffirini Law delivers mission-critical legal results for privately-owned safety net hospitals and other health care providers. We care deeply about making sure providers who serve the most vulnerable populations have the legal support they need to navigate a constantly changing regulatory environment.  

In representing our clients, we are equally comfortable at the negotiation table or in the courtroom. Our advice always is founded on an in-depth understanding of both current state of the law and anticipated future developments. We listen to our clients so as to support their priorities through creative problem solving, strategic planning, and tenacious litigation.

Zaffirini Law is a Texas-based firm with national reach. We believe in the power of relationships, and we prioritize building and maintaining strong, open channels for constructive dialogue nationwide with regulators, policy makers, and other stakeholders at the state and federal levels. At the same time, we understand the value of the adversary process. When negotiation is not viable, we represent our clients aggressively, whether in state or federal trial courts, contested administrative hearings, mediation, arbitration, or appeals.

Our Attorneys

Carlos Zaffirini Jr.

Carlos is an accomplished health care attorney who has used his deep knowledge of the regulatory environment to build Adelanto HealthCare Ventures (AHCV), LLC, a health care finance consulting company with offices in Washington D.C., Austin, Nashville, and Laredo. AHCV focuses on reimbursement consulting for healthcare providers.  

As the President and CEO of AHCV, Carlos has helped some of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in the country access more than $6 billion of additional reimbursement. He has expertise and extensive experience in structuring complex Medicaid reimbursement models, including the following:

  • multiple non-governmental Medicaid Upper Payment Limit (UPL) programs, 
  • Local Provider Participation Funds (LPPFs)/provider taxes, 
  • Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital programs, and 
  • Medicaid Managed Care Rate Enhancement Projects. 

Carlos also works on complex regulatory issues with health systems, transportation providers, and managed care organizations. Most notably, he created and implemented the concept of the LPPF in Texas. Such initiatives generated more than $4 billion to help improve funding and delivery of care for the local healthcare safety-net system. The LPPF concept is now recognized as a preferred Medicaid financing model in Texas, and several other states are considering adopting similar measures based on Texas’ success with this model. 

To facilitate access to health care for patients who lack transportation for their medical visits, Carlos collaborates with the world’s largest Transportation Network Company (ride sharing) to develop innovative services that meet their needs. This includes assistance in developing a new reimbursement structure for ride sharing companies that help poor patients seeking access to care.

Jamie Richards Whitney

Jamie has more than a decade of experience as a trial and appellate lawyer.  She began her career as a law clerk for U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks in the Western District of Texas and then went on to try cases, first at an AmLaw 100 firm and later as a solo attorney and in a litigation boutique setting. Representative matters involving health care providers include the following:

  • managed care reimbursement disputes, 
  • antitrust suit involving medical devices, 
  • physician partnership dissolutions, 
  • contract dispute over development of medical office building, 
  • contract dispute over multiple hospital physician-recruitment agreements, 
  • managed care provider bid contests, and 
  • court challenges to ultra vires state regulations affecting medical providers.

In addition to her litigation experience, Jamie spent valuable time as in-house contracts counsel for a Fortune 100 company, and managed the negotiation of multi-million-dollar commercial agreements in several industries, including pharmaceuticals and medical devices. 

Our Services

Zaffirini Law offers unique legal support to health care providers. We partner closely with AHCV, an established health care finance company, to provide legal solutions that are rooted in sophisticated financial and policy analysis. This strong collaboration empowers us to assist providers with the full spectrum of health care legal needs, including the following:

  • proactive compliance advice,
  • complex commercial negotiations, 
  • collaborative rulemaking and other negotiation with state and federal regulators,
  • dispute resolution and litigation, and
  • appellate representation.


Zaffirini Law, PLLC

401 West 15th Street, Suite 875
Austin, TX 78701
 (737) 484-8444